At last they kept euorpe worries aside,after a better inline earnings started coming from US companies,we are closely looking INFOSYS earnings too.So Keep 4800 PUT and ride upside with 1290 call of S&P ,looking a tgt near to 19.So it will be almost like getting 50 points in NIFTY FUTURES.
So Positions are
HOLDING 1290 CALL of S&P 500 @ 10.5 tgt19
* Will go for NIFTY FUTURES (BUY )near 4760-4780 only
So Positions are
BOUGHT 4800 PUT @ 78 levels
HOLDING 1290 CALL of S&P 500 @ 10.5 tgt19
* Will go for NIFTY FUTURES (BUY )near 4760-4780 only
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